How To Organize your Research Process with the Right Tool

Explore how SPEEDA Edge removes the clutter for clearer thinking and a better research process.

Janine Manishka Gunasekara
November 16, 2022
EDGE Updates

EDGE100 Report, 2023

Identifying and evaluating early stage startups is challenging for leaders in corporate innovation, corporate strategy, venture capital, and more. Download the report to learn who made it on our list of top 100 startups.

We’ve adapted a hierarchical framework of critical thinking skills  into three complementary steps, for your corporate strategy and innovation process. 

Let’s explore how a guided research process syncs with the tools on SPEEDA Edge, and how you can navigate your innovation strategy!


Innovation is exciting, yes,  but the process can be quite daunting.

Suppose you’re curious about the delivery automation industry; will it be drones delivering your next food order or six-wheeled droids (robots) bringing groceries to your home? You want to know more about what’s happening to decide whether ‘to drone’ or ‘to droid’...the first step is to be informed.



Access the facts and track events. 

There’s no end to what you can know, but recalling relevant knowledge is essential.

SPEEDA Edge updates and archives news-related information, segmented by industry and is equipped with filters so recall is easy and won’t take up unnecessary mind space!

“What has been happening in the logistics and delivery space?”

Read the industry-related news on the platform and make your way to the overview for the big picture and definitions of the technology.

Use the SPEEDA Edge news filter for descriptive and event-level information.

Read the Industry overview to get the big picture

Then....UNDERSTAND by organizing the facts.

Recall the knowledge and make sense of it!

The market map helps you understand the facts because it subsegments the companies by functions or type of offering and defines their scope.

Select section of the SPEEDA Edge LMDA Market Map

 You can figure out how well-known players interact with others and which path they take through the live incumbent mapping portfolio.

You notice, “FedEx has many partnerships, including one with Nuro in ADVs….and a lot more!

Now you know which partnerships occurred but can’t quite figure out why…

You can understand a company’s story at a glance since more context about each player is described in the company profile. Hone in on the specific details of the partnership you want to follow to get the whole picture!


Apply this knowledge to determine a hypothesis.

“If FedEx has a variety of partnerships, should its peers show a similar pattern?”

Apply this principle and test the hypothesis; investigate peer incumbent portfolios using the Competitive Intelligence tool for easy comparison.

You find that FedEx partnerships skew towards droids, whereas UPS is almost exclusively partnering with drone-related companies.

So, now you can ANALYZE

Your initial hypothesis is half correct, but there’s a new angle you didn’t consider.

why do two prominent delivery companies show interest in different types of tech, and how does this impact you?

Investigate each partnership and infer, connect data points and compare company stories to get closer to answering questions like, “Should our efforts go into drone delivery applications or droids?”

As one of many steps, you could filter the droids vs. drones using the company list and analyze macro metrics. 

Is there more funding going into droids? Typically, how nascent are startups in each segment?

And once outlined, focus your efforts on using the Competitive Analysis tool to extract each disruptor’s differentiator and more.


Based on your comprehensive analysis, put your proposal to the test.

A thorough evaluation needs multi-pronged efforts. We offer custom research hours so our 30+member analyst team can work with you on measuring and scoring your idea; leverage their knowledge in validating the hypothesis.

“How do drone and droid-related regulations impact decisions?”

At this stage, expect the unexpected. Challenge your idea to get the best of it using our Analyst QuickTakes, which signal directional patterns and offer insight.

"What are the threats and pitfalls? How has Fedex been acting recently?”

Once you’ve critiqued your idea and made judgments on which method is better, and more conducive to your growth….


Design your way forward

Combine this critical-thinking process with the SPEEDA Edge platform and service, add internal know-how of your unique positioning and goals, and design your new strategy.

Which industry are you curious about? For more insight on how SPEEDA Edge can help your strategy, get in touch with our team.

Janine Manishka Gunasekara
Content Marketing Lead, SPEEDA Edge

Janine is a Content Marketing Lead for SPEEDA Edge, an emerging industry intelligence platform.